Foundational Document - 'In the form of an Affidavit'


The Foundational Document explains the history behind ‘Debt Release’ and why to-date it has remained concealed from the people by those who have been elected to serve them.  The Document was produced in the form of ‘an Affidavit’ to reveal both ‘truth & facts’ – to give people an opportunity to finally claim their Divine Birth-right. Equally, it also gives those who have been served with the document, an opportunity to oppose or rebut it by providing evidence to prove the facts therein are untrue. If they are unable to do so – then in the eyes of the law – the Foundational Document ‘stands as truth’– and hence, all claims made must be honoured. 


To fully understand the power and importance behind this document and the action you are  about to take – i encourage you to set aside 15 minutes to read the whole document carefully.

You can read the Foundational Document in full screen online by clicking the ‘Toggle Fullscreen’ icon (*see below). Alternatively it can be download to your desktop.

“What you do today that is worthwhile, inspires others to act at some future time.” –

Marcus Garvey

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